
青秀区南阳镇新楼村上甘坡,当地人称“殿岭”,有一座300多年历史的徽派式古建筑群,目前还未被开发,非常古朴纯真。“Shangganpo Village is located in Nanyang town of Qingxiu district in Nanning. The locals call it Dian Ling. The village has the Hui style ancient buildings with a history of 300 years. The buildings haven’t been developed at present. They are very original, simple and pure.”。古建筑群占地40亩,有31座明清时代的老宅。


相传明朝时的上甘坡陆氏先祖到“殿岭”一带放牛时,耕牛围在一块形似牛儿的大石头边不愿挪步了。这一反常行为引起陆氏先祖的注意,经过观察,发现此地景色奇丽,水草繁茂,气候宜人,于是迁来此定居。“After observation, the ancestors of Lu’s family found that this was a good place for living with beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, abundant plants and water.”。至今已有300多年之久,生活在此的陆氏族人已繁衍生息了二十三代人。“People of Lu’s family have lived in this village for over 300 years. They have made twenty-three generations.”。

村里的女子学堂是一座中西风格合并的建筑,长约35米、宽约15米。“The Girl’s School of the village is an architecture combined with Chinese and western. It is about 35 meters long and 15 meters wide.”。屋顶设计及外观为中式风格,而教学楼正面的门窗、廊坊及大门构造却是西式风格。在旧时代,女子地位卑微,更谈不上接受文化教育。但一位叫陆善猷的乡绅认为,女子也应该有接受教育的权利。“In the old days, the status of women was very low. They didn’t obtain a chance to receive education. However, Lu Shanyou, a country gentleman, believed that women should have the right to receive education.”。他便带头捐钱筹建女子学堂,让当地的女孩子有了上学的机会。据村民介绍,如今村里许多年逾古稀的老人都是这所女子学堂的学生。


村里一位老人说,他家里人数最多时有30多口人。“An old man said the largest number of people in his family was more than thirty.”。上世纪80年代,随着家族成员增多以及年轻人外出工作,后辈陆续分了家。但每至年关,子孙无论身在何处都会赶回大屋吃团圆饭,一家人其乐融融。“In 1980s, the descendants divided up the family property and lived apart because the family members increased and the young people went out to work. But anyhow, at the end of the year, no matter where they are, all the members will come back, get together as a big family and have a family reunion dinner.”。不管他们到了哪里,都能较好地传承和睦共处的大屋精神,而这样的大屋精神,在如今,显得尤为珍贵。正是因为这种精神,能让村庄除了陈年故事,还有未来发展。

黄倩华 整理/翻译